【摘要】 目的:观察泽蛭降压胶囊治疗H型高血压病痰湿壅盛证的临床疗效。方法:对照组30例西医常规治疗,治疗组30例在对照组治疗的基础上加服泽蛭降压胶囊,观察两组血压水平、临床症候、Hcy及CRP浓度的症候变化情况。结果:治疗组在血压控制、临床症候的改善、Hcy及CRP水平的下降等方面均明显优于对照组(P<O.05)。结论:泽蛭降压胶囊治疗H型高血压病痰湿壅盛证疗效显著、Hcy及CRP水平的下降显著。
【关键词】高血压病;痰湿壅盛证; Hcy及CRP水平;中医药疗法;泽蛭降压胶囊
Effect of Zezhi Antihypertensive Capsule on 30 Cases of H-type Hypertension of Phlegm and Dampness Accumulation Syndrome
Cao Ying Li Xiaowei,Fu Lichao
Cardiology Department, Hengyang Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hengyang, Hunan, 421001, China
Objective: To observe the clinical effect of Zezhi antihypertensive capsule on H-type hypertension in syndrome of phlegm and dampness accumulation.
Method: The control group with 30 cases are treated by routine treatment of western medicine(WM), whereas the treatment group with 30 cases are added with Zezhi antihypertensive capsule. Indexes of clinical symptoms, blood pressure, homocysteine(Hcy) and c-reactive protein(CRP) are observed.
Results: The indexes in the treatment group is significantly better than those in the control group in symptom improvement, blood pressure control, and decrease of Hcy and CRP levels (P<0.05).
Conclusion: Zezhi antihypertensive capsule has a good effect on H-type hypertension of phlegm and dampness accumulation syndrome and can obviously reduce the Hcy and CRP levels.
Key words: Hypertension; phlegm and dampness accumulation syndrome, homocysteine; c-reactive protein; traditional chinese medicine; Zezhi antihypertensive capsule.
H型高血压是指伴有血浆同型半胱氨酸升高(Hcy>10umol/L)的原发性高血压[ 1 ],在我国占高血压人群的75%。同型半胱氨酸是甲硫氨酸的中间代谢产物,它可引起血管内皮功能紊乱、脂质过氧化、增高血小板的粘附性,导致或加速动脉粥样斑块的形成,从而导致心脑血管疾病剧增。笔者总结了多年的临床经验,拟定了泽蛭降压胶囊治疗H型高血压病痰湿壅盛证,旨在化痰活血、平肝补肾,